Bluetooth trackers such as Tile, AirTags, or Galaxy SmartTags, are useful devices for keeping track of important items that you could easily misplace, such as your luggage or your keys. They can provide a little peace of mind knowing that if you do lose something important, you’ll be able to track it down quickly and easily.
There is a dark side to these devices, however. It is possible to use them to secretly track someone by slipping a tracker into their belongings without them knowing. The owner of the tracker can then track the other person’s location without them even being aware that they’re being tracked. Google has tried to combat this misuse of trackers by introducing unknown tracker alerts. Here’s how to use unknown tracker alerts to detect and locate unwanted tracking devices.
What is a Bluetooth tracker?
Bluetooth trackers are small devices that can be slipped into a bag, tucked into a wallet, or attached to a keyring. If you misplace your bag, or wallet, or keys, you can track the location of the Bluetooth tracker on your phone or other device, so that you can quickly find your items again. Popular trackers include Tile tracking devices and Apple AirTags.
What are unknown tracker alerts?
If you’re an Android user, you can receive an unknown tracker alert if a tracker that belongs to someone else is detected to be travelling with you. The alert will pop up on your phone informing you that a tracker is travelling with you, and that the owner of the tracker can see its location.
There may be completely innocent reasons for getting an unknown tracker alert. For example, you may be travelling with someone who has a tracker with them. If the tracker is not registered to that person, you may see an unknown tracker alert. This shouldn’t happen if your travelling companion is the owner of the tracker, as the alerts will only appear if the tracker is out of range of its owner. You could also receive the alert if you borrow someone else’s tracker.
How locate an unwanted tracker from an unknown tracker alert
If you do receive an unknown tracker alert, you can see a map of its location, and even get the tracker to play a sound in order to help you find it.
- When you receive an unknown tracker alert, tap the alert.
- A map will open showing the location of where the tracker was last detected.
- Tap Play Sound to get the tracker to emit a sound. The owner of the tracker won’t be notified that a sound is being played.
- Follow the sound to locate the tracker. If you can’t hear the sound, tap Play Sound again and check inside any belongings that you have with you.
- If you find the tracker, tap Next Steps and follow the on-screen instructions.
- You can see information about the tracker on your phone screen by bringing the tracker near the back of your phone.
- Take screenshots of the information for future reference.
- If you are unable to find the tracker, take screenshots of the unknown tracker alert and the map.
How to scan for unwanted trackers
If you’re concerned that you may be being tracked by an unwanted tracker, but haven’t received an unknown tracker alert, you can manually scan for nearby trackers that are not within range of their owners.
- Open Settings.
- Select Safety & Emergency > Unknown tracker alerts.
- Tap Scan Now.
- Your phone will start scanning. It can take up to 10 seconds.
How to turn off unknown tracker alerts
If you or someone you’re travelling with has borrowed a tracker, you’re likely to receive unknown tracker alerts. You can turn the alerts off if this is the case.
- Open Settings.
- Tap Safety & Security > Unknown tracker alerts.
- Toggle Allow alerts off.
What to do if you find an unwanted tracker
If you do find that a Bluetooth tracker has been placed on you or in your belongings, it’s important to get as much information as you can by taking screenshots of all the information included in your unknown tracker alert. It may be possible to disable the tracker following the manufacturer’s instructions, but doing so may cause you to lose vital information such as whom the tracker belongs to.
You should then contact someone you trust and tell them what has happened. You may want to consider contacting the police if you believe that someone is trying to track you without your permission.