Earlier today, X appeared to removed the Twitter app from the App Store on the best Macs. The official Mac app was abandoned, stuck with a lack of updates and rebranding since the changing of Twitter to X in 2023.
After removing the Twitter app, a pop-up in the app instructed users to use the X iPad app on their Macs. But you may want to hold off on doing so.
A number of users are reporting that their accounts are getting suspended, after using the X iPad app on their Mac. One Reddit user shared that their X account got suspended as soon as they logged into the iPad app on their Mac.
For anyone that isn’t sure, developers can allow their iPhone or iPad apps to be installed on Mac. While X didn’t allow this before, the iPad app can now be installed on Macs.
Wait, what happened to the Twitter app for Macs?
Many people, myself included, stuck to using the older Twitter for Mac app, as it still runs well, carries the old branding, and doesn’t display ads. But those days appear to be officially over, as the Twitter app for Mac now appears gone for good.
As noted by one developer, Vedant, on X (ironically), the absence of the Twitter for Mac app from the Mac App Store suggests that X, formerly known as Twitter, has finally delisted the outdated software. Up until now, X has remained silent on the app being removed, so it’s unclear if this is permanent or not. It is possible that the Mac app has been removed to be rebranded. But the more likely scenario is that it has simply been killed off.