Tuesday, October 22, 2024

10 Things to Do Before Installing iOS 17.2

Installing Apple’s new iOS 17.2 update might be tempting, but there are some steps you should take before moving your iPhone from iOS 16 to iOS 17 or your iPhone’s current version of iOS 17 to iOS 17.2.

iOS 17.2 is a large milestone upgrade and the software brings new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to compatible iPhone models. It’s a pretty important upgrade for iOS 17 users.

If your iPhone is running the latest version of iOS 17, you get the shortest change log and the smallest download.

If you’re moving from an older version of iOS, your iOS 17.2 update will be more substantial. That’s because the changes from the iOS updates you skipped are baked into your upgrade.

Most iPhone users should install iOS 17.2 at some point today or sometime in the near future. That being said, it’s difficult to predict how the new software will impact your iPhone’s performance.

While some of you could see a boost to your iPhone’s performance, others will run into frustrating bugs and performance issues. And that’s precisely why it’s important to do some prep work before you start the installation. A little work ahead of time could help you avoid serious problems.

With that in mind, we want to help you prepare for the transition from iOS 16 to iOS 17 or an older version of iOS 17 to iOS 17.2. This guide will take you step-by-step through the process we use before we tap install.

Cleanup Your iPhone’s Storage

iOS 17.2 requires a sizable chunk of space on your iPhone’s internal storage. If you’re near the threshold, go through your device’s storage and delete files you no longer need to make sure you have room for the download.

If you don’t have enough space, iOS will temporarily delete applications to make room for the software. If you’d prefer to avoid that, use this time to delete files to make room.

Backup Your iPhone’s Data

Data loss issues are fairly rare, but don’t take your chances. Make sure you backup your files before you install iOS 17.2.

Many of you already know how to properly backup your iPhone’s data (photos, videos, etc), but if you’re unsure, we’ve got you covered.

Some of you will want to backup using Apple’s iCloud service. It’s an easy way to ensure your important files are safe. If you’re unfamiliar with the iCloud backup process, you’ll want to check out Apple’s guide.

If you don’t want to use iCloud, you can backup your files using iTunes. If you’re running macOS Sonoma, macOS Ventura, macOS MontereymacOS Big Sur or macOS Catalina, you’ll need to use Finder, not iTunes.

If you store a ton of data on your iPhone, the backup process could take awhile so remain patient.

Get Familiar with iOS 17.2

Make sure you get familiar with iOS 17.2’s changes before you start the installation process. This way, you won’t be caught off-guard. Some features may be exclusive to particular iPhone models.

We’ve released a walkthrough that will hold your hand through the biggest changes on board Apple’s latest version of iOS 17. We’ve also released a guide that covers iOS 17.2 in particular.

If you’ve fallen way behind on iOS updates, and you’re running an older version of iOS, you’ll want to get familiar with the updates you skipped before you install iOS 17.2.

Again, the features and fixes from software updates you skipped are baked into your version of the software.

Read iOS 17.2 Reviews

If you’re feeling leery about the move to iOS 17.2, and we don’t blame you if you are, you should dig through feedback from early adopters.

Again, there’s a chance you encounter bugs and/or performance issues on your device after moving it up to Apple’s latest version of iOS.

iOS software updates often hits older iPhone models the hardest so if you own a device like the iPhone XS, and you’re concerned about the move to iOS 17.2, you’ll want to gather feedback from those who have taken the plunge.

This feedback will alert you to potential bugs and problems. You also might learn about potential benefits of Apple’s latest software.

You’ll want to poke around on Apple’s discussion forums, YouTube, and social media sites for feedback from iOS 17.2 users.

Some of you might want to wait for long-term feedback to emerge before committing to iOS 17.2. Others might even want to wait for Apple to roll out its next batch of bug fixes before downloading the firmware.

Find Fixes for iOS 17.2 Problems

We’ve been hearing about a number of iOS 17-related problems. Some of them are minor bugs, others are far more problematic.

If you don’t have an encyclopedia of fixes for iOS issues stored inside your head, you’ll want to track down and bookmark fixes for potential problems.

We’ve put together a list of fixes for the most common iOS 17 problems. This is an excellent place to start if you can’t find a fix for your issue.

We’ve also released guides that will help you improve your iPhone’s battery life as well as your device’s overall performance.

Learn How to Downgrade

Apple allows you downgrade back to older versions of iOS 17. This is useful if the iOS 17.2 update starts causing problems on your iPhone.

The downgrade path back to older firmware won’t be open forever and Apple will close it off without warning.

We recommend getting familiar with the downgrade process right now so that you aren’t scrambling if and when you need to use it.

Go over the steps, memorize them, and you’ll be in great shape if iOS 17.2’s performance isn’t up to par.

Check with IT

If you use your iPhone for work you might want to check with your IT team (if you have one) and make sure you’re got the green light to install iOS 17.2.

Enterprise problems plague every single version of iOS and they can be particularly nasty immediately after Apple releases new firmware.

If you depend on your phone to get you through a day of work it’s important to get in touch with IT to see if the iOS 17.2 update is safe to use.

If you’ve got an IT department, they should be able to provide you with feedback about the core apps and services you use.

If you don’t have an IT department or a tech on site, you might want to ask around the office or talk to friends who use the same services and see how they’re doing on iOS 17.2.

Update Your Apps & Dig Into Reviews

If you rely on your apps to get you through the day you should read app reviews before you install iOS 17.2 on your iPhone.

App developers are rolling out support updates right now. These updates will be crucial to your experience on the new operating system.

Before you install iOS 17.2 you’ll want to head to the App Store and read reviews from iOS 17 users. If reviews are mostly positive, you may want to go ahead and install the latest update(s).

If the feedback is negative, you might want to wait for a new version of iOS 17 or for the developer to update the app before moving your device to the latest software.

Gather Your Login Info

Installing iOS 17.2 on your device might prompt you to input your Apple ID/iCloud account details and your passcode.

Most of you should know these by heart, but if it has been awhile since you’ve had to login, or if you’re installing iOS 17.2 for someone else, you’ll want to make sure you have that information readily available when you start the installation.

There’s also a chance you’ll get logged out of some of your first and third-party apps and services after the installation completes so you’ll want to have this login info handy as well.

If you want to complete the iOS 17.2 installation process in the shortest amount of time, make sure you have all of this info ready to go.

Decide How to Install iOS 17.2

If you plan on installing iOS 17.2 Over-the-Air (OTA) through your device’s Settings app, you’ll need to have at least a 50% charge and you’ll need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network unless you have an iPhone 12, iPhone 13, iPhone 14, or iPhone 15 connected to a 5G network.

You can also install the iOS 17.2 update via iTunes. Simply plug your device in, find your device, and check for an update.

Note that if you’re running macOS Sonoma, macOS Ventura, macOS MontereymacOS Big Sur or macOS Catalina you’ll need to update to iOS 17.2 via Finder, not iTunes.

4 Reasons Not to Install iOS 17.2 & 11 Reasons You Should

Install iOS 17.2 for Better Security

Install iOS 17.2 for Better Security

If security is important to you, and you missed older versions of iOS 17, think about installing Apple’s iOS 17.2 update right away.

iOS 17.2 delivers 10 new security patches to iPhone. These will help keep your device and its data protected from harm. 

If you wish to find out more, you can head on over to Apple’s security site for the details.

iOS 17.2 also includes iMessage Contact Key Verification which improves the security of iMessage.

If you skipped an older version of iOS, you’ll get fixes from the updates you missed when you upgrade to iOS 17.1.2.

iOS 17.1.2 had two security patches on board. Both were related to WebKit. If you want to learn more, you can do so right here.

iOS 17.1 brought 18 security fixes to iPhone. It addressed issues within Weather, Status Bar, WebKit, and more. 

iOS 17.0.3 brought two patches for two security issues Apple identified within the software. If you want to read about the patches, head here.

iOS 17.0.1 delivered three important patches to iPhone. If you’re interested in the exact nature of these improvements, you can read about them over on Apple’s security website.

As for iOS 17 itself, it brought 40+ new security patches with it. A staggering number to say the least. If you want to learn more about them, head over to Apple

In addition to those patches, iOS 17 brings some additional enhancements to privacy and security including improvements to Communication Safety beyond Messages.

It now includes content sent by AirDrop, Contact Posters in the Phone app, FaceTime, and the systemwide photo picker. You now have an option to blur out sensitive photos and videos before you choose to view them.

There’s also an expanded Lockdown Mode which will help protect you against cyber attacks.

Apple’s also improved sharing permissions and you now have more control over what you share with the apps on your device. 

The company also notes that starting in iOS 17, Voice Memos encrypts the titles of recordings stored in iCloud, in addition to the recordings themselves.

If you skipped older versions of iOS, you’ll get the security patches from those updates with your iOS 17.2 update as well.


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