Apple could expand its presence in homes by launching more smart speakers. A new report speculates that the iPhone-maker will introduce a next-gen HomePod with a giant display. The smart speaker or speaker-display hybrid could arrive in the first half of 2024, and it may come with a Max or Pro moniker.
Although the HomePod 2023 NextPit reviewed has just been recently released on the market, a more capable version might already be in the works. Reliable analyst and leaker, Ming-Chi Kuo, shared his insights about an unannounced HomePod speaker. The device is said to feature a 7-inch display, which is a drastic upgrade to the LED matrix panel on the HomePod 2023 and HomePod Mini that we tested.
Apple HomePod with FaceTime feature?
The functionality of the display is still unclear. But it is safe to assume this will be utilized to output media player controls or necessary buttons to adjust parameters equivalent to the Home app on iPhone and iPad. Furthermore, it is possible the component will be positioned at an angle facing forward and serve as a smart display during FaceTime calls comparable to the Amazon Echo Show 5.
The fact that the HomePod OS is currently incapable of such features, Apple may also update the software or perhaps unveil a new platform that will support a display. There are previous rumors that Apple was building an extensive smart home OS called homeOS, so this might also give weight to the existence of HomePod Pro or Max variant.
It added that the HomePod with an extra-large screen is planned to be revealed in 2024. Meaning, that could happen as early as January, mirroring the timeline of HomePod 2023’s release window. Of course, this may be extended to springtime next year.
What are your thoughts on Apple’s HomePod with an enormous display? Would you consider it fitting in your home or room? Tell us in the comment section.